Monday, June 19, 2006

13 Days

I cannot believe its only been 13 days of my promisary 30-day wait period. I'm reminded of Rob (que the faint, dreamy cascade that leaves me recalling the exact moment in time) where Rob said, "Can you wait 30 days?" and I said, "Yeah!" Like this was a feat easily achieved by me. Me. Known for her patience.
It hasn't even been a full 2 weeks!
I guess I need to realize that I am to relax and ENJOY daily activities while I think about (emphasis:thinking going on in the background. Thinking, not acting Brooke. Not over-analyzing, freaking out, doing online research)... life.

In other exciting news...
Went to Lowe's and selected my dream storm door for the front of the house. Marriage IS exciting!
Spent Sunday at the coffee shop reading the paper cover-to-cover, walking the dogs in the fan, going to see "X-Men 3" and making a huge bountiful dinner. It was a pretty damn near perfect day, I gotta tell you.


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