Monday, May 22, 2006

Money for a sick day

Trying to figure out a way that I can:
A. Maximize my health insurance benefits
B. Without paying a lot
C. And not getting stuck in a situation that cannot be reversed or updated to fit my changing needs.
Its a freaking joke.
*Thunk*! [sound of me stepping up onto my political soapbox] You know, its all crap. Health care, I mean. My parent-in-laws were just visting us and my MIL showed me a checklist of bills she keeps in her purse. She has a running list of medical bills she has yet to pay off (my DIL accidentally cut 11 tendons in his left arm while building a dollhouse stand this past Christmas). She had a list of medical bills that was longer then the average bills (like electricity, phone, cable, etc). Its nuts! And, they couldn't pay anything but the minimum balance while DIL was out (he could barely dress himself let alone work) recooperating. Their deductible is $500, their insurance only covers 80% and... he was supposed to quit therapy cause the doctors wouldn't take his health care provider after medicare ran out (fortunately, the nurse weasled a way around this for him). The surgery for the tendons to get re-attached was over $1300.... EACH TENDON! Yikes. WTF. My parents, Rob's parents, your parents... hell US... we are all getting fucked & falling into a bigger and bigger medical sink-hole. I can get on a whole other soapbox involving the exceptionally high cost for real estate these days, the gross absurdity of the rising costs of living verses the no increase on people's wages, the cost of gas, the Iraqi War (is it a war if they don't want us over there "helping" anymore and people are car-bombed nearly daily? Is this really even a war anymore?!.)etc, etc, etc. BUT SERIOUSLY people, we have a problem on our hands!*I'm reaching my boiling point where I just grit my teeth at this point and then eye the clock so I can see how long till I can have a drink*.
On a more favorable note, Rob and I pay $460 a month for health insurance. No, that's not quite the favorable part - read on... I just switched to my work's insurance which means we only have to pay out-of-pocket for Rob, just under $200 a month. I will lose some $ from my paycheck to cover me at work... but that's a helluva lot easier than writing away half a paycheck each month. Ugh, my insurance, it never did cover anything until after the deductible was met (which, took us a year to meet!). Hopefully, I won't need to resort to dumping health care all together and start stuffing Hamilton's under the mattress for an emergency fund, but honestly - aren't we all considering it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

right on sister...don't get me started on the cost of medicine and the obvious cospiracy between the pharmacuetical companies, the medical establishment(you know, your DR.!), and our faithful public servants in Washington. Nothing as fulfilling as getting rich off the sick and dying.-John

4:24 PM  

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