Thursday, May 18, 2006

One Two Three None

OK, so I'm addicted to this one chick's blog and I check it pretty periodically. I found it by looking up something on Google, now its like looking into someone's bathroom medicine cabinet - yes, I'm a peeker, OK. She posted how she's addicted to Dooce's website, which, I must admit - its pretty fabulous.
Dooce is currently deciding whether or not to have a second child and after skimming 194 responses (yeah, she's big-time) - this was one person's response. HILARITY!

"....let me share a piece of advice my Grandmother gave me...
Two children will keep each other company when they are older, sure there will be the squabbles and disagreements, but while they're busy playing and fighting with eachother you can be sneaking a drink in the kitchen, and that alone makes it worth it."

Ah, I love good old-timey drinking wisdom.


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