Monday, May 08, 2006

Mad as Hell....

No clue as to why, I just am. Its like that commercial that was on TV years ago for "Serifam" - the PMS wonder drug for woman. You know, the one where the woman wrestles a shopping cart from the pack only to have a ridiculous display of anger ensue as she cannot untangle the cart... and I can just grit my teeth with sympathy frustration for this woman as she rattles the carts... her purse swinging. Another woman comes up and easily slides a cart out from the grouping right next to her. She moves over, grabs a cart from that pack and heads into the store. THAT is how I feel today.
I came into work in an OK mood. I had good intentions. Sure its in the 50's in May (gloomy/rainy) but I was OK. I get to my office to fine my lamp is burnt out so I get a bulb - turns out its the lamp that isn't working so I am stuck in the semi-dark today (again, I'm OK). Now the printer jams... OK, I'm getting pissed now cause I tiny shred of paper is stuck in the machine. Jim brings me a phillips and a flashlight so I can unassemble this thing... some small spring-like part falls out. Great, now I need to call in a professional.
So I get back to the project I had started last week (a more creative one than what I have been doing) to find my email jammed with requested busy-work. ARG. Now I'm just pissed. I mean really really crazy angry. I'm just shy of packing up my stuff and going home cause I'm so ugly right now - I don't want the world to see the display I am about to release. OK, and now I want to cry. Cry cause its all so frustrating and overwhelming. I know what I'll do, I'll call Rob and warn him of my state-of-mind to be nice. ...What?!. He isn't answering the phone - that son-ova.... oh wait, he's calling me on my cell phone. Its too late! I'm already pissed! And he better not ask why - I just am. BECAUSE.
This is really f**king miserable. I hate this.


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