Monday, May 01, 2006

Babbling Brook

Painted the guest room this blue/grey/greenish color that is almost the same as "Restoration Hardware"'s latest color used on their shopping bags. Its called,... are you ready for this?... Babbling Brook. Who could pass that up?
The house has sh*t everywhere: books fill the dining room table, a dresser is in the hallway and plastic wrap is everywhere (I'm repainting the radiator white and all the trim white in the room, too). I like doing these projects but sometimes I get so compulsive I wish I could just shut off my brain long enough to sit somewhere with a cup of coffee... staring outside... thinking of... nothing.
Eh, who am I kidding?

Attended the WRIR Outdoor Fundraiser Event held on the canal right outside the newly renovated Lady Bird Hat Factory ( The turn-out wasn't what I anticipated but then again, neither was the size of the space (I thought both would be huge). But the weather was great and so were the bands. The price was expensive at $10 to get in and there was only 1 food cart (7 hrs of music with only 1 food cart? Eek!). Beers were only $3 and coke/water was only $1 (cheap!). They even had liquor!The organization/cleanliness was pretty well laid out. I plan to attend one again next time... it really has legs and is something worth checking out when they do it again.


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