Monday, April 24, 2006

Which came first...

... the stress or the stressor?
This came to my attention recently - no shock - but the pressure I have between me & this person can be felt by outside people. Apparently the tension can be cut with a knife. OK, I admit it - its there. So, now what? Who approaches who on this? Obviously A. no one wants to "give in" B. who "gives in" if there's really nothing to give in about? I mean, who broaches the subject matter? Especially when I'm apparently the one CAUSING the tension in the other person? So then C. What the hell do I do about it? Wait for the person to relax or do I address the situation? Addressing situations is what got me here, so I am told. So then... now what? Frankly, who WTF cares - get over it people. Speak your mind, voice your opinions and if I step on your toes - tell me. Why in the hell do I intimidate so much? Tell me to back off and then what? I dunno - tell me and fine out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're intimidating me...You started it....get off my toes!!!!!

12:55 PM  

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