29 Forever

Well, it was my birthday this past weekend. Rob was gone (yes, ladies - he got my OK before booking the flight). He was in San Fran for the APE comic convention (again, ladies, COMIC BOOK CONVENTION - yes, that is why I didn't go to SF with him even though it was my birthday weekend).
Friday was fantastic: great weather all day, Rob surprised me with flowers delivered that morning to work, there happened to be the Jim Beam Formula One car parked outside behind the store (I didn't go for a ride although they were giving them - that thing is LOUD even at 15mph!), the bosses were out of town, the store had cake, a co-worker took me out for lunch and a beer, I went to a bar with a few more co-workers and later attended a marketing event (another beer), went home (beer), met with Kelly who made me black cow cupcakes (chocolate cake with cream cheese frosted - dear Gawd, they're good) & gave me an incredible necklace, had dinner* (provided by Ms. Pitzer) with the ladies (*wine), and enjoyed some conversation (champagne!) and I was out. Literally, OUT! I was drunk and ready for bed by 11PM (too old to party, I guess).
Saturday, my actual birthday, was a lot more low key - rainy and cold. I did laundry and ran errands (yippee, fun stuff) and later watched "Thank You for Smoking" with Kelly before going out for Thai dinner. Yes, the movie's funny - go see it!
Rob gets home tonight about midnight. Not a moment too soon: I started taking apart the bathroom yesterday in attempt to paint the trim work throughout the house. Its a bitch, its oil-based paint that must first be painted in a primer before using latex-based trim paint. Say it with me, "This might be the next guy's problem".
Happy Belated Birthday my red-headed friend!
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