Friday, December 01, 2006


The thing about working in a sterile environment is that it really isn't sterile at all. Sterile looking, yes. Sterile/corporate, yes. Sterile, as in free of germs, NO! I've been listening to this major head cold making the rounds. I can hear people sniffing, hacking, clearing throughts, sneezing, coughing through my padded cube walls. And then... all was silent for about a week. And then there's me, *sniff*.
I feel like total ass today.
Damned recycled corporate air!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's why you have to compensate at home & live like I do. Dust settled all about, cat-box aromatics wafting in the air, pet dander clogging every pore, standing three-second rule for all food hitting the floor, kissing flush on the mouth the dog who eats cat splat, I almost never get sick. I'd knock wood, but I'd have to dig my furniture out of the dirt first.

9:04 AM  

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