Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday

Well, I have 9 minutes before I need to head off to work. Nothing quite like me trading off a retail job for another. *wink*
Today will include about 1/7 of the company actually going to work, a lot of online shopping throughout the day, the movie "Christmas Vacation" and perhaps some work. Actually, I do have a project to knowck out by Monday so the day won't be a complete pain-in-the neck with all my friends sleeping in... but I'd really rather still be in bed and watch my movie on my couch.
This weekend we simply MUST go Christmas shopping. Ugh, ... if I knew what to buy it might be easier. But we only have this weekend and next before the great migration North to visit extended family for a pre-holiday Christmas celebration. I need to buy things for people I never see and really do not know (yes, I know my grandma, but do you really know your grandma and what might make opening her gift this year a Christmas worth remembering?). And gift cards, despite being easy and people don't mind getting them (its better then returning what the gift-giver thought was just perfect), just isn't fun to wrap.
I really hate it went Christmas comes down to being a chore. This year - all the fun stuff is getting squeezed around our crazy schedule. I hope next year is a little more evenly paced. It makes each weekend more fun: ie, this weekend you buy, that weekend you wrap, the next weekend has the tree picked out & decorated, and then you bake cookies.


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