Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Short pants. Short sleeves. Too old for this.

Because I'm at a new office, I have this opportunity to explore my wardwrobe in ways never thought possible before. I can experiment with clothes not suitable at my last employer (ie - nice work clothes and business office attire), new hairstyles and make-up. Its a way of recreating your personality when you start fresh at a new workplace. I could go to work wearing lipstick tomorrow and people wouldn't know... that the last time I wore lipstick was on my wedding day.
Its kind of exciting creating and establishing a new you.
So, its been 2 weeks and all this fun has now left me with the possible repeat clothing (ok, so it turns out I don't have as much usable office attire I once thought I had)and clothing that's not appropriate (cocktail dresses and cotton crop pants, anyone?).
I tried to make a new outfit, today, using the scraps in my closet. I now remember why I hardly wear these articles... the pants are shrunk (the dry cleaners failed to clean them properly and ultimately shrunk them. *&$!!, I'm still pissed about it) resulting in a high-water look only acceptable in the 2nd grade. And the sweater tends to shrink up throughout the day leaving me with sleeves that fall short of my wrists.
As I walked home today, I had flash-backs of jr. high when my mother refused to buy me new clothes because I was growing. I was the humiliated bean-pole who's white socks made up for the short comings in my pant legs and who's hands were tucked inside the sleeves of my sweatshirt desperately attempting to stretch out the length.
*sigh*, I'm too old for this.


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