Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Bernaner Bed

Wow. Has it been 2 weeks since my last blog? I guess that's what happens when you don't blog from work.

I have now officially completed 2 weeks at my new employer. So far... I really like it!
Yes, its corporate (translation: padded cubes - however - I am one of the lucky 10% that gets a full window as one of its walls) but that has only helped me fully appreciate "The Office" and my old DVD of "Office Space." Both of which, coincidentally, we have been watching on the 47" plasma TV set up in our recreation area (our department has a defined area within the cube farm in which we have modern, colorful couches gathered in front of a mounted TV wall). Our department is busy - I have stayed in to eat lunches in my cube and, occasionally, stayed an extra hour at night to wrap things up... but honestly, I have enjoyed it so far. (Skipping a lunch break and working late is nothing new to me). The pace isn't frantic... so the time spent working is a nice, steady pace. The people are all... straight to the point (which is hard to get used to! People sum up what they need in just a few words.) but very friendly and are predominently laid back. Its organized, systematic and... get this... I get 3 weeks to concept ideas! And so far, they've assigned some pretty nice projects to me.
One of my colleagues recently commented on my organization when we were speaking with a client - I'm really going to like a place that appreciates my system of things! ;-)


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