Wednesday, September 13, 2006


So I go to bed late (11PM to watch the daily show in bed) on Monday night. The instant I turn off the light (on the wall) to walk over to the bed, I hear "CH-CH-CH-CH-CH!"
It sounds like a first grader rubbing those sand paper blocks together... next to a microphone.
Me: "What was THAT?"
Chappy: "One of those bugs. Outside. They're just loud. Its probably right next to the window."
M: Thinking, 'yeah I know what it was'.
"It sounded like it was inside the house, though!"
C: "Nah, they are just loud."
M: "Are you sure?!." Visions of me swallowing a huge bug in my sleep creeps into my head... The Abomindable Dr. Phibes, anyone?
C: *silence*

Flash forward to 24hrs later. I'm going to bed. And sitting up in the mini blinds in the kitchen window - is a bright green katydid about 1.5" long. Watching me.
After trying to get it to land on a flyswatter (this thing flew around the kitchen like wild. Betty assisted me by watching from the doorway. You know, she didn't want to get underfoot)... I finally slipped a glass over it and shimmied a piece of paper under its feet. I tossed him outside.

I wonder how long they live and if too much of his life was wasted; sitting in my kitchen blinds.

My mother tells me they are good luck.

Boy, he was loud.


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