Tuesday, January 31, 2006

State of the Union: Bush's Top 10

The top 10 things Bush simply loves to say & hear himself say (I start tuning out 3 minutes into anything after his mentioning any of the following):

10. The purple finger of the voting Iraqi's

9. The Patriot Act

8. *smirk* (I just hate this face. Its the chuckle/smirk combo that makes me writhe)

7. Ameurica (where's that?)

6. Legislation should pass the tax relief bill again...

5. [if you pass this bill] The national deficit will be halved by 2009.... (*right*)

4. Lessening our dependency on oil...(although obvious, and yet shocking HE mentions it, I feel like he's mentioned hydrogen and new age fuels for YEARS but I see no change....)

3. Evil Empire

2. War on Terr-rrr (what? You mean Terr-OR? Sound it out with me...)

1. September 11, 2001

The state of the union is strong? What?!. Where's he living?
Hey, anyone catch our new DEMOCRAT governer doing the democratic response on CBS following the State of the Union address? Wow! That's big. We're a "red" state afterall...

Its the apocolypse

Oh shit, its the end. The end is nie! I was following some old Volvo hatchback on my way home from work tonight. The back end had a bunch of odd 'n' end stickers on the window and bumber... And I recognize some super hero logo. The one that's black and white with a lighting bolt. Dear gawd, when did my life take this path?
I sat there for a second thinking of how cool I was years ago in college before I puttered along to my final destination.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Me me me

My favorite topic is, of course me. I'm one of those terrible people who hates all photos of themselves and yet complains no one takes their photo. Rob photographs well, he's a favorite subject of mine. He always does some ridiculous facial expressions for the camera - and I think they are hysterical.

Brief background: I graduated from UNCG (University of NC at Greensboro) with a BFA although my hometown is really Chicago (I went to school there from 3rd grade till finishing high school). I also spent one year of college at U of A (that's in Tucson, not Phoenix). Rob and I have been married for 2.5 years now (ok, maybe I'm rounding up a bit here... but it seems like 5 years so quit yer griping). We live in Richmond, VA with our 2 dogs Puck and Betty.

We live in a 1920's bungalow, the house type I have always wanted but with a few bugs... like the foundation seems to be shifting (*sigh* I love to panic that the house is caving in on us. I think I watch too much shit on TV). I may talk about the house a lot. Its our first, so I'm doing all kinds of repairs, fix-ups, paint jobs and buying new furntiure. Its a hot topic for me.

I also like to rant. I like to think my rants are practical and make sense but then again, I think Lewis Black makes sense and so does George Carlin. If you like them, maybe I'll have something similar to say - I'm not nearly has intelligent, but I'll try.

So, without further explaination - welcome. I'll be seeing you here.

Ready, Set, ...Blog.

I'm entering 2006 with my very own blog. Tah-dah.

I'm attaching a pic of me from this past summer - from my 10 yr high school reunion. Funny thing how you LEAVE for a party looking glam and you are later seen throwing up on the side of the road 6 hours later. Needless to say, it was a f**king blast.

I used to have a "thought of the day" on my old personal website which was more photos & friends than professional design works (like how it is now). I was limited to a small number of characters and I usually got right to the point... unlike how I am when you have an actual conversation with me. For someone with a very short attention span I really demand a lot from my audience.

So, with that mini intro aside, welcome.

I'll write a brief bio about myself so you can decide whether or not to care what it is I have to say. Then again, haven't you already read enough to decide?