Ready, Set, ...Blog.

I'm entering 2006 with my very own blog. Tah-dah.
I'm attaching a pic of me from this past summer - from my 10 yr high school reunion. Funny thing how you LEAVE for a party looking glam and you are later seen throwing up on the side of the road 6 hours later. Needless to say, it was a f**king blast.
I used to have a "thought of the day" on my old personal website which was more photos & friends than professional design works (like how it is now). I was limited to a small number of characters and I usually got right to the point... unlike how I am when you have an actual conversation with me. For someone with a very short attention span I really demand a lot from my audience.
So, with that mini intro aside, welcome.
I'll write a brief bio about myself so you can decide whether or not to care what it is I have to say. Then again, haven't you already read enough to decide?
Great to see you blogging now. Bring on the rants!
Oh yes! How I've missed the rants!
I can't believe you cut me out of the picture. It's 'cause I looked fat, right? If that's the case, I can't tell if I like you or hate you. By the way, I think George Bush makes you writhe not writh. Wow, now you kinda sound like him. Sorry, I'm an ass--but I'm a teacher, I have a natural instinct to correct grammar and spelling. . .
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