State of the Union: Bush's Top 10

The top 10 things Bush simply loves to say & hear himself say (I start tuning out 3 minutes into anything after his mentioning any of the following):
10. The purple finger of the voting Iraqi's
9. The Patriot Act
8. *smirk* (I just hate this face. Its the chuckle/smirk combo that makes me writhe)
7. Ameurica (where's that?)
6. Legislation should pass the tax relief bill again...
5. [if you pass this bill] The national deficit will be halved by 2009.... (*right*)
4. Lessening our dependency on oil...(although obvious, and yet shocking HE mentions it, I feel like he's mentioned hydrogen and new age fuels for YEARS but I see no change....)
3. Evil Empire
2. War on Terr-rrr (what? You mean Terr-OR? Sound it out with me...)
1. September 11, 2001
The state of the union is strong? What?!. Where's he living?
Hey, anyone catch our new DEMOCRAT governer doing the democratic response on CBS following the State of the Union address? Wow! That's big. We're a "red" state afterall...
You watched that shit? I had to keep it off, my son is already planning on campaigning for Clinton (as in Hilary) and already voices his very strong opinion about his distaste for our president in the most awkward of places.
I'll have to send you a pic of the shirt he wore to the polls at the last election, you'll be so proud of him! My little Democrat in the making!
Speaking of Kaine, how about that eyebrow? Bow down before it, or it will destroy you!
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