Thursday, January 25, 2007

Long time, no rant

Oh, sigh. I'm sorry dear readers. I've been absent and absent minded. Everything on my mind these days is all about kids (well, babies but saying it makes me giggle in an immature/unable to graple-with-reality sorta way). So, apologies.

I've been meaning to get you all fired up and pissed about the bill the president recently signed allowing him to open our mail... with no warrants issued. This Patriot Act nonsense is out of control. Called the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, it allows the gov't to open and read your mail if they think it has terroristic intentions: "Most of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act deals with mundane reform measures. But it also explicitly reinforced protections of first-class mail from searches without a court's approval." NYDaily
Here's the breakdown on the government's website: S. 662 [109th]: Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act
I don't claim to know and understand all of this - but what little do know, pisses me off.


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