Thursday, January 11, 2007


Grandma died yesterday at 1:05PM. My mom called 10 mintues before to brace me of the impending news. Moments after we hung up, she called back to tell me that she had died.
I left work in a glaze, unsure of what projects I was leaving behind & totally unsure of what type of funeral was to take place. Turns out my father and uncle just want it all over with quickly, so the funeral will be held on Friday. No multiple visiting days or after funeral food/wake. The actual burial may or may not take place on Saturday morning (depending on if the funeral home can make everything happen that quickly or not). If not, they will do it sometime in the near future on another trip (one that I will not be making).
I've decided to write something for the event. I've been waking up all night with paragraph thoughts coming to mind. If I can just make it flow right... and read it without passing out or crying... it will be all good.
Thanks for everyone's well wishes. The entire family is upset that it happened this way (long and drawn out with pain in the end) but are so relieved that she will nt be confined to a nursing home - she was such an independent, active woman that a nursing home would have been a fate worse than hell itself. I know for a fact, that she is much happier now. She's talked about death for a long time - she was ready for it.


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