Girls' Night Out

L, K and I somehow started a regular "girls night out" routine where we take turns gathering at each other's houses for dinner, scandelous conversation and, of course, bottleS of wine.
It began awhile ago when my husband and L's husband were out-of-town for some omic-book related convention. When you are a trophy comic-book wife... you are often left alone on weekends yearning for the return of your spouse... only to seek comfort in the company of other comic-book wives.... oh, whatever. I think L and I secretly yearn for the time for the men to leave so we can finally have some girl talk. K joined in with us since she knows and fully appreciates "girl time" to its fullest.
Its a nice excuse for the ladies to get together & to get drunk. We also make more gourmet dinners than my hubbie would ever dare eat... and we have excellent alcohol induced conversations that we cannot ever share outside the group. Its, fantastic, really.

So, last night, L's husband was at the San Diego's ComicCon... and I needed some girltime. I told Rob to "take a break" from the dad-gig and to go out to a movie with some guys (unfortunately, only 1 was available. I think he could have benefitted from more man-time but he had a great time none-the-less).
Evie and I packed our bags and headed over for what would be her first official "girls night." she did very well. I was nervous since I did go over at the 6PM "fussy hour." But, she simply watched rather than whined.... I wined my ownself... and by 11PM, we were all yawning & ready for bed.
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