Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Timing. Its all about timing. Or is it that it always happens at the wrong time? Or, at the same time?
Time, these days, is what we need more and less of (all at the same time).
So, I still work for a contract agency. They pay very well, pay overtime and they have a pretty great short-term disability program (maternity leave). They will cover 60% of my "salary" each week I am out for however long the doctor recommends. I pick up the doctor's papers next Tuesday, but I think he suggested 7 or 8 weeks for leave. So, that's 60% coverage for 7 to 8 weeks. I plan to take off July 9th (the day before my due date) through Labor Day weekend which is 8 weeks. Perfect!
Not so fast.
My employer (for whom I contract work) is offering all its contract workers fulltime jobs. This is fine, I was, afterall, hired as a "contract to hire" staffer last fall. But, that was also supposed to take place by April. Here we are, 2.5 weeks before my leave and they are just now beginning the paperwork to get this ball rolling. I do not care to switch health insurance companies 20 days before my due date (cutting it a wee bit too close for my liking). AND, my company (for whom I contract) only offers 2 weeks at 100% salary and the 3rd week at 75% salary for maternity leave (why so low? Because I will have worked for them for less than 1 year. After 1 year employment, the really good benefit packages are available). *Sigh*, I'm a little peeved because I had been squirreling away money here and there to supplement the contract agency's 60% package. I never planned or prepared for the latter, lack luster package offered by my company.
So, now what? Well, nothing has changed yet... maybe my company will continue to move slowly so I end up leaving on maternity leave before they get me to sign papers. Maybe I can sign on "fulltime employment" the day I return from leave(most ideal!). Or, maybe I'll go into early labor thus causing/subjecting my company to wait till I return to then sign on (also, ideal!). Or maybe they'll understand reason and agree that I should stay contract till I return (again, ideal!). Or, maybe I'll just get screwed (not good or ideal).
All I can do right now is wait.
Ah! But there's more to my rant tonight. Rob's car. Rob's transmission. And our waiting to get a new car that may need to be suddenly... hastened.
Rob's car has been making this metallic clanging sound. Kinda like a pan lid when the steam causes it to hop around... only feverishly! This sound has only gotten worse and has had us both worried. Rob took it in today to find out it was some transmission plate that is loose (or needs replacing) AND his transmission is running high. The estimate = $1000 or more. The mechanic doesn't do transmissions, so we just dropped it off at another place for a second opinion. But let's be frank, its not going to be good no matter where we take it. Yes, yes, by some miracle it could be a loose bolt for $.95 and the first mechanic simply doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Or, we could get real and prepare for a very high second estimate.
Rob's car, a 2000 Kia Sophia is only worth about $2500 according to Kelly's Blue Book and even that seems inflated. This car is NOT worth fixing. So, now we face HAVING to get another car. And fast. Remember... I'm DUE in 3 weeks! And Rob, doesn't drive stickshift (my car is stickshift). Can this get anymore ridiculous?
Yes, it can.
We are waiting to buy the Jeep Patriot. We haven't yet because the "Friends and Family Discount" I plan to use doesn't go into effect until Chrystler has waited about 6+ months of this new car being out on the market. They usually have new car models on the market (with no incentives) to maximize how much they earn, etc before they then begin to allow any discounts to apply. Makes sense,... but its killing us. The truck has been on the market about 6 months and we have to now wait until July 2nd to see if they will let us use this discount. That's 2 weeks from now. That's 2 weeks Rob has no car, 1 week closer to my due date (and, please keep in mind the volume of errands we have currently from doctor visits, pediatrician interviews, car seat installations, baby gear to buy, a wedding to attend) and... what if it turns out the discount STILL does not apply once July 2nd hits. Then what?
My mess gets messier.
Timing is key more then ever now.
I don't know when I'll go into labor (any day in the next 3-4 weeks). I don't know if the new car discount will go into effect for July until July 2nd. I don't know what my short-term disability package will be until my employer calls me to the hiring table. And, we only have so much money set aside for all these things. If I get the short-term disability package for 7-8 weeks at 60%, my savings should cover me AND allow us to get the car. If I get the other package, I'm looking at depleting the car funds in order to stay home OR returning to work a month after the baby is born (NOT an option as far as I am concerned!!!).
So, again, its all timing. And what can I do about it? Nothing! absolutely nothing. Just, sit... and wait. Wait to go into labor. Wait to be called to the hiring table. Wait to see what they say about Rob's transmission. Wait to see when we can apply that car discount to buy a new truck. Wait, wait, wait.
I just hope the dam doesn't break on all these waiting games. I just hope I don't get knocked over by a tidal wave of results all on the same day.


Blogger Jay Geldhof said...

Well, one worry off the list, don't worry about the car seat.
Meg and I were all paranoid about it and heard somewhere that the fire department will install it for you correctly.
Uh, yeah, they don't.
At least not in Kent.
Good news is, that they are incredibly easy to hook up.
It took me 10 minutes, and that's only because I'm kind of an idiot.

1:51 PM  
Blogger Brooke Ullman said...

ACTUALLY, glad you brought this up, they ran an article here recently about this website:
You can download a spreadsheet of places to go within your area. I set up an appointment for next week Wednesday (yippee!)
So, if you wanted to get Ivy's convertable seat checked out, you could see who in your area will help.

2:20 PM  
Blogger kendra said...

I just realized that you had a mostly non baby blog too. I just read this post. I wonder if you have read it since the baby (and the Jeep) became available on July 2. F**king fate. Sounds like everything is starting to go more smoothly for you and little evie. We will be in Nags Head on 9/1-9/8. How far is that away from you and Rob?


9:15 PM  

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