Friday, August 04, 2006

And yet more embarrassing insight on our lives

Well, for those of you who want a baby update - read on. For the rest of you who are left running, screaming mad from this topic - start running.
Rob has since seen a doctor and, as a result, we both need to go see him mid-August. Rob made the next appointment which means I'll forget about it until the morning of... at which time he'll remind me, "Oh yeah, we have to go to the doctor's office today, remember?" Which reminds me, Rob, thanks for making the appointment at 8:15AM. Was this your way of catching me barely caffienated thus incapable of asking tons of questions? I know you love my overly active brain.
So, the doctor told Rob that it was not "impossible" to have kids, which, wasn't exactly the information I was trying to convey after talking to my doctor. With my sporatic cycles and Rob's, *ahem*, the odds of our two worlds colliding at just the right moment to create life - is very small. Rob's doctor only looked at him and then looked at some charts - he has no idea about my cycles so, yes, it would stand to reason that it looks like I overplayed my hand when on this whole infertility topic. But, I'm not sure I did. All in all, I hope Rob is right and I am wrong (first time for everything).
So - we go to his doctor soon ... he has to first go back before our couples appointment and 'perform' one more physical/lab testy thing. I suppose after that we will see what odds we are really dealing with here. In the meanwhile, that doctor told us to "try, try, try" cause again, its not "impossible." With that in mind, I actually made Rob purchase the ClearBlue Easy Ovulation Predicter Kit while shopping for dog food at Costco. Poor guy, I can't imagine me shopping for his nutsack meds while purchasing windex at Target (Rob doesn't have nutsack meds, but if he did, it would stand to reason that it would be similarly humiliating for me to buy them). And yet here he was, writing it down and strolling through the aisles with some blue box emblazoned with a creepy baby head on it. (The baby's head was so creepy that we covered it at home so it wouldn't look at us. It probably didn't help that Rob would put it in my face while screetching, "Have me! Have me!")
I was all amped to try this kit out (you get 10 sticks to pee on while you try to pinpoint your ONE day that you would most likely conceive)... but Rob has also managed to time his trip to Chicago right in the middle of when I think I should be testing. So, between our crappy odds and our playtime... I think we may be dog owners only for a looooong time.


Blogger CJ said...

Nothing is impossible. I hope you beat the odds and it isn't as difficult as you were lead to believe, but please stay realistic too! We went to so many doctors and it was a "no you can't" "yes you can" "no you can't" cycle. It sucked. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you (just remember to keep your legs UNcrossed.) God, I hope your parents don't read this or they'll know what a dirty girl I am! Ha!

1:15 AM  

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