Patriot - Not an Act

Have I mentioned this before? We are on the market for the new Jeep Patriot. First off, we need something that will haul 2 dogs and a kid. And no, minivans and station wagons are not an option. Yes, Volvos are great but we can't afford one (and besides, we don't live in the West end). Subarus are too granola. VW's are too iffy. And hatchbacks - still too small. Besides, when your entire family works for Jeep - you get some incentives to buy one yourself.
We are on stand-by until Jeep allows us to use our Friends and Family discount on a new Patriot (the vehicle is so new they haven't offered any discounts to anyone including to the staff that makes it). It could be next month... it could be July.
I hate having all these things up in the air (we know we'll get a car and we know we'll have a baby. Just WHEN does all this happen exactly and HOW MUCH is it gonna cost me?). Its hard to sit & wait and do your best gathering money in the meanwhile. Then again, I'm in no rush to be in the bind that awaits us.
So, why the Patriot? Two words: Gas mileage. This new little baby is very utilitarian (read: no frills at all) and gets 30 miles to the gallon. It also has airbags everywhere so our insurance only goes up $10 a month (I guess when you own a gas sucking Kia -aka, the tin can of safety - your auto insurance company rewards you with low costs on the newer, safer vehicle.
So, kiddies - there you have it. Not sure when it will happen but we think it can't happen soon enough.
Hey, push for a two for one discount! We'll swap you the baby clothes!! Ha ha, just kidding! But seriously, email me your address so I can get this stuff out to you. I just shopped for the girls for this summer, your kid is going to look adorable when she gets THIS hand-me-down stuff! Woo hoo! Baby girl clothes rock!
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